considerate done

considerate - definition of considerate by The Free Dictionary 看他爽成這樣,有這種主人真令「人」羨慕con·sid·er·ate (kən-sĭd′ər-ĭt) adj. 1. Having or showing regard for the needs or feelings of others. See Synonyms at thoughtful. 2. Archaic Characterized by careful thought; deliberate. [Middle English, observed, from Latin cōnsīderātus, past participle o...


considerate Meaning in Cambridge English Dictionary馬賽克(誤)檔得實在是太到位,讓我們這些糟糕的觀眾們開始自動腦補,於是國外還有更積極的粉絲發現......這一塊成績條真的是超乎想像的好用啊!  遮對地方比沒遮還要有氣氛......想像力無限啊~ 游泳池畔充滿了男性賀爾蒙 啊對不起我轉錯台了(逃)!!!!!!! considerate meaning, definition, what is considerate: kind and helpful: . Learn more. ... With America’s Independence Day on the 4th and France’s Bastille Day on the 14th, July certainly has a revolutionary theme, so this blog looks at words and phrases w...


Attention | Define Attention at Dictionary.comPsychology. a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, especially one preferentially selected from a complex, with a view to limiting or clarifying receptivity by narrowing the range of stimuli. a state of consciousness characterized by su...
