其實她一直在勾引你~你知道嗎 10種誘惑暗示不能錯過~沒看會後悔!
Ten Tips - Advice To Those Considering Marrying A Farmer « The Irish Farmerette 1.控訴感情不幸,可憐兮兮 現象:她很願意單獨和你聊天。其實,男女朋友間拉拉傢常,再正常不過瞭。她若經常對你說起傢庭的痛苦與婚姻的不幸,話語間還略帶著對你的欣賞,那你就不能無動於衷瞭。她毫無保留地向你控訴丈夫的無能平庸,懶散邋遢,專橫跋扈,不解風情。在這個傢中,她比“喜兒還喜兒&rdqThinking of marrying a farmer? Perhaps you should read this list before you do Apparently in the 1940s and 50s, there were many single farmers in Ireland – partly due to not being able to afford to marry as they looked after aging parents and partly becau...