const (computer programming) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia醫院診所之小笑話在大型醫學中心因開刀房手術室有好多間,但須配合需要搭配刷手護士才能安排手術.一日就聽到主治醫師與開刀房護理長有如下的"曖昧"對話:醫師: 請問現在有沒有"房間"啊?護理長: 有啊! 不過要看"小姐"夠不夠.醫師: 請盡量幫幫忙,排兩個小姐給我,我很急!護理長: 好吧! 不過你盡量快一In the C, C++, and D programming languages, const is a type qualifier:[a] a keyword applied to a data type that indicates that the data is constant (does not vary). While this can be used to declare constants, const in the C family of languages differs fr...