IBM Master the Mainframe Contest - 2014 在幾段取自2.30年前的電視劇的短片,拍攝了當時在年輕時在他的師傅 Marco pierre White 馬可·皮埃爾·懷特)創立於倫敦的米其林餐廳「Harveys」工作時的影片。 根據FineDININGLovers報導IBM Master the Mainframe Contest 2014...
全文閱讀IBM Master the Mainframe Contest - 2014 在幾段取自2.30年前的電視劇的短片,拍攝了當時在年輕時在他的師傅 Marco pierre White 馬可·皮埃爾·懷特)創立於倫敦的米其林餐廳「Harveys」工作時的影片。 根據FineDININGLovers報導IBM Master the Mainframe Contest 2014...
全文閱讀IBM News room - 2015-03-24 IBM Master the Mainframe Contest Draws Record Participation, Announces Wi 拿著玩具槍,想像它發射出威力強大的子彈 或者假裝自己是英雄/惡徒/殺手,跟敵人進行激烈戰鬥... 這些事,很多人(尤其男孩)小時候都想像過吧? Is Tropical樂隊的MV《THEGREEKS》就把這種想像變成了“現實”。雖然這IBM Press Room - IBM today announced a record 8,100 high school and college students around the world competed in IBM’s 2014 Master the Mainframe contest, helping equip the IT leaders of tomorrow with the skills needed for the mobile economy....
全文閱讀IBM - Employment - United Kingdom▲一臉臭臉的老太太。(source:youtube,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 不知道大家有沒有發生過「明明是一件超丟臉的事,卻又不得不公開給眾人知道」的情況呢?想必這時候,大多數的人都會因為尷尬而擺出臭臉吧! 根據一名男子在youtube的分享,裡面敘述了一位東歐的老太太頂著一頭驚Search all jobs and apply now...
全文閱讀IBM - Official Site 如題,這話可不是亂說的,不信你來看看,下面這些知識你知道幾個? 1.每個人舌頭的印記(或者叫「舌紋」)是獨一無二的 2.一根頭髮就可以懸掛蘋果,不過科學家沒有說明蘋果的大小 3.人嘴裡細菌的數量比地球上的總人數還多 For more than a century IBM has been dedicated to every client's success and to creating innovations that matter for the world ... On the right track with new technology IBM's Keith Dierkx tells how railroads are getting smarter...
全文閱讀Enter IBM Watson's Good Data Contest - PSFK 話說,最近一幫乘客在搭乘從英國的曼切斯到地中海Ibiza島的航班上,遇到了一件不可思議的事情.... 飛機上一對男女竟目中無人,就這麼啪了起來! 當時旁邊的乘客拍下了這一切... 熱情似火! 旁邊的人都快把持不住了Imagine if you could collect all the world’s data, understand it, and improve people’s lives by helping them live, work and play better. What would you create? IBM Watson and PSFK are collaborating to explore the future of cognitive computing and want you...
全文閱讀The ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest 每年夏天,你一定在街頭看到過這樣的景象。 無論是 路邊象棋攤的師傅... 還是 街頭麻將攤的小伙子... 他們用捲起的The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multitier, team-based, programming competition, sponsored by IBM and headquartered at Baylor University ... The ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest International Collegiate...
全文閱讀IBM Press Room - IBM today announced a record 8,100 high school and college students around the world competed in IBM’s 2014 Master the Mainframe contest, helping equip the IT leaders of tomorrow with the skills needed for the mobile economy....
全文閱讀For more than a century IBM has been dedicated to every client's success and to creating innovations that matter for the world ... On the right track with new technology IBM's Keith Dierkx tells how railroads are getting smarter...
全文閱讀Imagine if you could collect all the world’s data, understand it, and improve people’s lives by helping them live, work and play better. What would you create? IBM Watson and PSFK are collaborating to explore the future of cognitive computing and want you...
全文閱讀The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multitier, team-based, programming competition, sponsored by IBM and headquartered at Baylor University ... The ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest International Collegiate...
全文閱讀Official blog of IBM Global Entrepreneur. Managed by Lanie Abisdris. All postings represent the opinions of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies, or opinions. Contributors are not paid for their posting...
全文閱讀The University of Texas at Austin team flashes the school's "hook 'em horns" sign as they celebrate their first place win in the Watson University Competition. A team of students from the University of Texas at Austin is being awarded $100,000 in seed fun...
全文閱讀IBM Press Room - IBM today launched the IBM Watson Mobile Developer Challenge, a first of its kind, global competition to encourage developers to create mobile consumer and business apps powered by Watson. IBM announced the challenge at Mobile World ......
全文閱讀Quality and speed of information determine survival and success on the market. We are an international provider of software solutions and information ... With Crossware Mail Signature, you can extend your IBM Notes email platform to automatically include ...
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