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Parody Times ▲日前發生一起40歲女人潑空姐熱水,空姐當下痛極大哭的事件。(source:youtube)   最近台灣一直努力提倡尊重服務業的行為,然而有時候還是會有人做出令人「人神共憤」的奧客舉動,這樣真的是丟盡華人的臉了。 此次事件由一名中國的40歲女人引起,因為她「不爽空姐的服務態度」就直接把Trending News "Baby Doll" Sunny Leone has reportedly denied to wear a saree in a film. The actress said that she has to face her parents, and despite being edgy and experimental sometimes, she won’t cross the line of comfort. Continue Reading » Inspired b...
