日本辣模 菜菜緒 九頭身美女 裝志村怪妝搞笑 圖+影
ImageJ User Guide - IJ 1.46r | Analyze Menu 日本辣模菜菜緒 (菜々緒)資料Nanao Arai生日:1988年10月28日出身地:日本埼玉縣大宮市身高:172cm三圍:B80 (C)-W57-H83個人blog部落格:http://ameblo.jp/nanao-blog/女星們都怕醜樣或是失態照被拍到變成話題,日本九頭身模特兒菜Intensity statistics (Mean, Modal, Median, Min. & Max. Gray Value, Standard Deviation and Integrated Density) can be performed on area, line and multi-point selections. With lines, these parameters are calculated from the values of the pixels along the li...