contra: evolution

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Contra (video game series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 繼9月adidas Originals by Rita Ora聯名系列首度驚艷全球並造成搶購之後,2014年秋冬,來自英國最新的IT girl Rita Ora帶來外二個全新系列,皆以她喜愛的個性街頭與性感甜美元素為靈感,完美率性之姿帶來了全新驚喜,同時鼓勵女性勇於表現自我風格。 11月最新上市的Contra (魂斗羅?) is a video game series produced by Konami composed primarily of run and gun-style shoot-'em-ups. The series debuted in 1987 as a coin-operated arcade game simply titled Contra, which was followed by the release of Super Contra in 1988 and se...


Contra (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 林書豪、Damian Lillard 、 John Wall、Derrick Rose、 Andrew Wiggins與Tim Duncan等眾家球星最新球衣在台發售!adidas與NBA配合全新賽季開打,共同發佈全新"NBA全新Swingman 球衣"。以最接近球員版的全新高質感機能網布材質,更Contra (魂斗羅, Kontora?), known as Probotector and occasionally Gryzor in Europe and Oceania, is a 1987 run and gun action game developed and published by Konami originally released as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987.[5] A home version was ...
