Review: Person Of Interest: “Control-Alt-Delete” · TV Club · The A.V. ClubRob和Joli有一次在旅途中相遇,相互傾心,但他們也面對一個大問題:他們生活的地方相距將近13000公里,Rob來自美國,Joli來自菲律賓 他們之後在社交網站上建立聯繫,由於彼此都喜歡旅行,他們決定在世界各地繼續「相遇」,每次相聚幾天,但之後只能分手。作為旅行的紀念品,他們至少會拍Given that this trilogy has been concerned with the rise of Samaritan and the loss of Shaw, it’s somewhat surprising to see its conclusion shift focus to Control. At the same time, the choice to delve further into Control’s headspace makes some sense at t...