[大哭] K書中心的豔遇...
Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska Department of Fish and Game話說小妹我是考生,在準備明年的國考,所以常常會去南陽街的K書中心看書,我想考生若看一整天的書應該很正常吧!? 某日我又在K書中心奮鬥時,突然一個貌似大學生的斯文弟弟傳了一張紙條給我,我心裡想著:不會吧?是豔遇?天啊我終於遇到傳說中的搭訕了!我的美麗邂逅就發生在K書中心,多麼有文化氣息阿!!抬頭看了一The Upper Cook Inlet (UCI) Management Area consists of that portion of Cook Inlet north of the latitude of the Anchor Point Light and is divided into the Central and Northern districts. Central District is approximately 75 miles long, averaging 32 miles i...