Cooking Mama Cook Off for Nintendo Wii 小時候曾經是笨蛋?? 做過這些嗎?你做過幾樣! 紀念我們那再也回不來的從前小時候,真的很懷念兒時的我們… 懷念幸福的童年那個傻傻的,純純的,開心的童年~ 我們小時候都曾經是笨蛋.. ?? 1. 蹲在地上觀察螞蟻搬家 &nbsShow Mama what you're made of as you cook 55 international recipes and desserts with 300 different ingredients on your Wii! Multiplayer mode makes for a tasty two-player competition! Majesco Entertainment Taito Wii TM Cooking Mama Cook Off is the ......