Business Card Design Inspiration: 14 Cool, Creative Concepts 日本 最神經綜藝節目《 月曜から夜ふかし》中,講了一個無厘頭的故事。 開頭很恐怖,中途很溫情,結尾很搞笑。 最近,奈良市區很多司機都被路邊一個告示牌嚇了一跳! 某民宅外,一張超大幅的小孩照片對着來往車輛嘿嘿笑着! From low-budget to ‘the world’s most expensive,’ these cool business card designs do a great job of personifying graphic designers and clients alike. ... Those who say print is dead must be walking around with pretty crappy business cards in their hipster...