cool card design

100 (Really) Creative Business Cards - Web Design Blog - Webdesigner Depot不斷選錯字,最後還… Whichever business you're in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website ... Many of those cards are fantastic examples of graphic design but may be impractical as actual bu...


Home - Curly Girl Design女生來大姨媽都是這樣的……請關愛姨媽期間的女孩子, 無理取鬧只是因為她真的很不舒服,另外更要感謝一直忍耐包容的男生,辛苦你們啦! 圖片來源: offical website of Curly Girl Design. Cleverly colorful cards and art. Fabulous products for imperfectly delightful living. ... “She knew some day the sea would call her home.” If your feet are on land but your heart is at sea, have we got something s...


400+ Creative Business Card Design Inspiration | Logo Design BlogBY PEISIN 2015春夏時裝周已經圓滿落幕了,大家在時裝周期除了追逐設計師、出席的大明星和雜誌編輯的身影外,當然還有同樣受到各大品牌邀請,以及深受街拍攝影師喜愛的It Girl也是大家follow的重點!而今年最最最紅的It Girl就是這位永遠不會老的大美女──芭比啦!一起透過芭比的InsSo you want some business card design inspiration? Well here you have 400 creative and beautiful business card designs all on one page. Enjoy! ... 292 Comments For This Post Glenn Says: March 18th, 2009 at 8:21 PM sir i have just twit about this post.. wi...


Ultimate creative business cards collection | 生活有時陰差陽錯,你錯過了一時,就似乎錯過了一生。 有個男孩,在學校的新生聯歡會上認識了一個女孩。女孩笑如春花,聰明活潑,男孩對她幾乎是一見鍾情,卻沒有表露。因爲男孩剛經過高中階段循規蹈矩式的教育,對男女感情小心翼翼得令人難以置信,他想:“再等等吧,等一切成熟些,再向她說。&rdquoPause Home Entertainment's iPhone speaker card. Tattoo Business Card. Adrian Tan, Lighting Designer's Light Card. Tennis Academy's business card. FedEx card that looks like an envelope. ... Its a interesting and unique business. This is an era of youngste...


Indian Wedding Cards, Designer Indian Wedding Invitations Online, Marriage Card Designs IndiaBY PEISIN 大家的另一半會不會陪妳逛街呢?有時候想要帶男友一起出門逛街,但是他卻老是心不甘情不願的,到底對於男生來說逛街是件多痛苦的事,這一點對於女生來說一直是個謎!不過還是有一些方法可以讓兩個人一起逛街還是能逛得開心,一起來把這些小招數學起來吧!   第1招:有計畫購物 很多男生One stop shop to buy best Indian wedding invitation cards and wedding stationery | Designer Wedding Cards from India Just A Click Away | Live Chat | Order Samples. ... Parekh Cards is a leader in the Indian wedding cards market for over twenty years, we h...


The Cool Hunter - Welcome 男人和女人在感情生活中總會不可避免的遇到一些小問題,那麼這個時候男人說一些小小的謊言就會讓這種小問題迎刃而解。 謊言一“不,你看上去不胖。”準備參加聚會時,妻子問老公:“我這樣穿顯得胖嗎?”這時候,最好的答案:“不,你看上去當​​然不胖。Styles and trends covering genres such as fashion, music, urban living, designer and cultural trends....
