cool down calm down

calm down - definition of calm down by The Free Dictionary有一天,某公司綽號的阿呆和大傻在聊天。 阿呆:「你去年吃尾牙時公司送你甚麼獎品?」 大傻:「電鍋。」 阿呆:「哈!老闆是叫你滾回家吃飯啦!」 大傻:「那你呢?」 阿呆:「電風扇。」 大傻:「哈!老闆是叫你滾回家涼快啦!」飛機上,一位男人正對空中小姐吐露不滿的心聲。 男人:「抗議!我每次搭機都坐同一個Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Verb 1. calm down - become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again." chi...


Calm down Synonyms, Calm down Antonyms | Thesaurus.com一位年輕人坐上公車,他那顆頭怒髮衝冠、五顏六色,衣著破碎襤褸,短褲赤腳,鼻洞、肚臍洞穿戴著珠寶,外加大型羽毛的耳環。他坐在位置上,發現對面有一位老先生目不轉睛的看著他,年輕人不耐煩的叫道:「看什麼看?老頭!你年輕時沒瘋過啊?」「當然有,」老先生毫不遲疑的回答:「我年輕時在海軍,有一晚在新加坡喝得爛醉Synonyms for calm down at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. ... calm late 14c., from O.Fr. calme, traditionally from O.It. calma, from L.L. cauma "heat of the mid-day sun" (in Italy, a tim...


How to Calm Down (with Helpful Calming Techniques) - wikiHow話說同事那天陪老婆去產檢……然後拍3D胎兒照!照片出來時,夫妻二人很高興的看著,說話的內容當然不外乎是寶寶那裡像誰……那裡又像誰……正當二人正進行上述甜蜜的對話時,醫生對著爸爸說:「這孩子不是你的…&hHow to Calm Down. Anger, stress, and anxiety are enough to get anyone worked up. While it might seem impossible to control your emotions, you can teach yourself to calm down. This valuable skill can help you cope with unexpected......


cool down - Idioms by The Free Dictionary警告:以下有西斯點....不喜請左轉離開唷話說,我家公主是個非常酷愛水果的女孩蓮霧,葡萄,芭樂,諸如此類的水果當著正餐吃一連可以吃掉好幾斤....某天出遊完後,來到了水果攤公主:我想吃水果耶~寶貝我:喔~好啊...那你想吃甚麼???公主:柚子!!!!那晚我背著兩大袋的柚子跟公主回到了家夏天全身容易黏cool someone down and cool someone off 1. Lit. to cool someone by reducing the heat or applying something cold. Here, have a cold drink. ... "And I do colour up so hot, walking into church late, and all the people staring round," said Marian, "that I hard...


cool down - definition of cool down by The Free Dictionary一對恩愛甚篤的夫婦正慶祝他們的金婚日。看熱鬧的中年鄰居問老生先說:「為什麼你們可以維持五十年幸福美好的婚姻,打從我出生起,就未曾聽過你們吵架的聲音,難道你們之間從來沒有任何的爭執嗎?老先生說:「爭執當然是有的,不過都不會擴大。我從蜜月旅行的時候就懂這個道理..」老先生繼續說:「記得當時交通不便,我們Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Verb 1. cool down - make cool or cooler; "Chill the food" cool, chill alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the gro...


Warm up and Cool down - BrianMac Sports Coach教師節到了,布朗老師收到了好多孩子們送他的禮物。首先是一個開糖果店老板的兒子送他的禮物,只見他拿著禮物盒搖了搖。“我猜這一定是一盒糖果。”“噢,你怎麼知道的,老師?”“這是秘密!”老師笑著回答。接著送他禮物的是一個開花店老板的女Dynamic stretches are more appropriate to the warm up as they help reduce muscle stiffness. Static stretching exercises do not reduce muscle stiffness ... Warm Up and Cool Down There is no doubt that time spent on warming up and cooling down will ......
