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Cool Funny Quotes | 350+ Amusing Sayings and Quotations震驚國際的「瓊斯鎮集體自殺事件」登上大銀幕! 邪教殺人事件時有所聞,然而一部講述邪教帶頭,引導人民集體自殺的驚悚實錄,即將震撼躍登大銀幕!由《恐怖旅舍》(Hostel)導演艾利羅斯(Eli Roth)監製、《鬼屋禁地》(The House of the Devil)導演提威斯特(Ti West)執導A list of the most popular funny quotes sorted by their ranking in order from most liked to the least....


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Create cool pictures! - | A Creative Community for Fans, Photos and Fun日本人真的沒有極限!繼上次的「超真實幼蟲軟糖」之後,小編又發現了一樣讓人無法理解的人氣商品 ─ Smartpants智慧型內褲! 哦哦哦你沒有看錯!Smartpants 智慧型內褲顧名思義就是要幫你的手機穿上內褲,它可是自 2013 年以來就販賣超過 200萬個的超人氣商品! 除了有最基本款的內褲 A creative community for animated pictures and graphics. Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities to anime, fantasy, emo, and goth. Fans of any topic have fun entering competitions, finding new friends, winning badges, crea...


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