LEE 歡慶125週年,跨越時空復刻褲款「LEE 101+」,牛仔褲達人懷舊推薦!
Cooler Master: Elite 330 回溯服裝歷史,因為有了丹寧的出現,造就現代人成熟的流行演繹。如今這位丹寧龍頭「LEE」為了隆重歡慶125品牌週年,特別推出跨越時空的紀念復刻褲款「LEE 101+」。 誕生於1924年的「LEE 101」,當時品牌LEE為了美國牛仔社群需求,專門製作一款以13盎司重磅丹寧布所縫製而成的牛仔褲款,但Elite 330 features superior thermal solution and easy installation. Black meshed front panel forms the succint appearance. Just as its name--Elite 330, it is presented to those people who would like to start holding high-quality products in the their arm....