Cooler Master: HAF X青銅級馬屁 看完樓主的帖子,我的心情竟是久久不能平復,正如老子所云:大音希聲,大象希形。我現在終于明白我缺乏的是什么了,正是樓主那種對真理的執著追求和樓主那種對理想的艱苦實踐所產生的厚重感。面對樓主的帖子,我震驚得幾乎不能動彈了,樓主那種裂紙欲出的大手筆,竟使我忍不住一次次的翻開樓主的帖子,每看一次SATA Dock for easy installation without the need of removing side panel USB 3.0 on front I/O panel (Internal) Air duct to cool the latest graphic cards Up to 1 x 230 mm red LED fan and 3 x 200 mm fans 9 slots support triple VGA cards Adjustable VGA card h...