The Master - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki 日本媒體選出了他們眼裡的「中國第一美女」,不是「美的不像人類」的范冰冰,也不是揚名海內外的章子怡,而是名不經傳的偶像團體 SNH48成員鞠婧禕,日媒更讚她是「4000年的第一美女」,這說法也是醉了。所以說,中外審美差異實在是大,下面就來看看還有哪些「中國第一美女」 吧!偶像團體SNH4The Master — originally called Koschei and known by many other temporary aliases — was a... ... Before the Third Doctor was made aware by the Time Lords of his presence, the Master had in fact been on Earth for some time. When the Doctor was exiled to ......