single core cortex a9 vs quad core cortex a5 [Solved] - Quad Core - Cell Phone General Discussion好像女人都是受害者,只要胸臀腿稍微多露一些,就會被男生視姦……說真的,男生也有可能是受害者啊~像是這部影片,一位搭地鐵的老兄在牛仔褲上裝了攝影機,並且營造出有點「微勃」的感覺,然後假裝看書、睡覺~ 結果,坐在他對面的那些女孩子找到機會就一直偷看嘛~還假裝!!▼是我太性感嗎since you have norrowed down the option between those to cellphones try these sites. they do review and compare http://www.gsmarena.com/ and http://www.phonearena.com/. about my opinion yes the single core a9 would be a better battery saver....