ARM Cortex-A57 and A53 vs Cortex A8, A9, A15 and A7: a performance analysis | ITProPortal.com國外一個男女關係網站調查了男人在床上的各種困惑,並對這些問題給出了一些解釋,兄弟們看看有沒有這些困惑吧... 圖片來源 1.姑娘,你為什麼喜歡關燈? 對於男人來說,開著燈運動會更刺激、更會讓彼此的關係更親密。但是對於大多數姑娘來說,開燈會讓她們放不開手腳,擔心自己的身體細節不盡如人意,烏漆抹黑的環境ARM has announced its first 64-bit processor offerings, the high-end Cortex-A57 (which will replace the A15) and the Cortex-A53 (which supersedes the A7.) Given that we have yet to see the first Cortex-A15 and Cortex-A7 devices on the market, it is highly...