Cosine similarity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPacu是生活在南美的一種淡水魚,常見於亞馬遜河及奧裡諾科河流域。 Pacu與食肉的水虎魚類似,但它們有著不同的飲食習慣。水虎魚是純肉食性的魚類,而Pacu則是雜食性並偏向愛吃蔬菜。而這一區別從兩種魚的牙齒可以明顯看出來。水虎魚的牙齒非常鋒利,但Pacu的牙齒則更四方平整,像極了人類的牙齒。 雖然PDefinition The cosine of two vectors can be derived by using the Euclidean dot product formula: Given two vectors of attributes, A and B, the cosine similarity, cos(θ), is represented using a dot product and magnitude as, where and are components of vecto...