Costco UK - Kirkland Signature Costa Rica Whole Bean Coffee, 907g 1、老師:如果追求一個中國女孩,你請她吃什麼?小李:麻辣燙。老師:韓國女孩呢?小王:韓國泡菜。老師:日本女孩呢?小明:馬賽克。老師:滾出去! 2、老師:請大家說說你們的願望。小明:去山東藍翔學挖掘機。老師:給我個理由。小明:刨你家祖墳。老師:滾出去……&hOils, Vinegars, Chutney, Preserves, Condiments, Herbs, Spices, Salt & Pepper, Tea and Coffee at costco.co.uk, shipping and handling included. ... To the Northwest of Costa Rica's capital city of San Jose, where the air is crisp and fresh and the soil rich...