Charles F. Haanel's Complete Master Key Course 事情是這樣的原po我今年19 我的個性有點保守所以不太喜歡比較複雜的場所可是又很想去體驗看看夜店到底是怎樣於是之前有跟男友討論過如果有機會會跟室友朋友們去一次上個星期班上出現了四校聯合的夜店傳單於是大家就約了 我住宿舍的關係門禁11:30要隔天早上6:00才Please note: The package represented here is comprised of e-books that will download to your computer immediately. You will need the Adobe Reader (or similar software, such as Preview on the Apple Macintosh) to read the e-books. If you would like traditio...