Viscosity listed as 11,000 cps, another at 20000 cP, What do these units mean? (本圖翻攝自今日頭條) 有位男子近日在公司裡拆了他工作快要11年的鍵盤,赫然發現到按鍵底下髒得十分恐怖,於是他決定將一個個按鍵拆下擦拭乾淨,並且將鍵盤內所累積灰塵與頭髮清理乾淨。 按鍵底下的世界果然很恐怖... 將鍵盤拆完之後,讓原PO想到過往的日子一邊用鍵盤一手吃東西就覺得噁心難耐,小編也常這樣That is exactly what I was looking for. Man I know I can count on at least someone here knowing something about everything!!! I am left to assume that 1500 cps (cured viscosity) is a misprint on the ES6005. But the viscosity of the second epoxy (product 3...