adidas Originals - SL Loop Runner 11 18 蓄勢待發!
CPU-Z (64-bit) - Free download and software reviews - CNET 經典運動品牌 adidas Originals 在本季又有全新創意啦!延續 1972 年慕尼黑奧運會出現的 SL'72 為靈感,打造出外型更加俐落、鮮明的鞋款 SL Loop Runner! 男鞋配色上有赤紅、水藍兩種布料色彩,鞋面上的網眼材質也選用了舒適透氣的布料來詮釋,仔細看鞋款上的花紋,由於CPU-Z (64-bit) gives you information such as processor name and vendor, core stepping and process, processor package, internal and external clocks, clock multiplier, partial overclock detection, and processor features including supported instructions sets...