「全場硬翻天!」SBL啦啦隊開場熱舞讓酸民高潮了 網友:硬了但我說的是拳頭
Benchmarks CPU Charts 2013 - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews今天一大早在臉書上看到球員許誠文分享這張照片。他一句話讓我笑了:「我硬了.............拳頭硬了」 翻攝自 許誠文 臉書 唉唷威...............這素質到底是怎麼回事?如果不看影片真的會被嚇到.... 上面這張照片感覺有點意外,應該是某一個最醜的「瞬間畫面」Our new 2012 CPU charts include 86 of the latest AMD and Intel processors. Our lineup includes AMD socket AM3 and FM1 CPUs as well as Intel LGA 2011, 1366, 1155 and 1156 sockets. There are AMD FX, A8, A6, Phenom II and Athlon II processors with 6, 4, 3 an...