15個你絕對不知道的日本〝特殊〞文化 第5個真的很奇葩...
Crazy Taxi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia15個你絕對不知道的日本〝特殊〞文化!!第5個真的很奇葩... 圖片來源:via 1. 犯罪率低 實際上說日本是沒有人犯罪也不為過,日本的犯罪率非常低,是個安全的國度。殺人案的發生率僅為0.0003%,在發達國家中最低。 2. 蘿莉控 日本的亞文化群中,日本人對少女的性嗜好和戀物癖橫行。例如,以蘿莉Crazy Taxi is an open world racing video game developed by Kenji Kanno and his team at Hitmaker and published by Sega.[4] It is the first game in the Crazy Taxi series. The game was first released in arcades in 1999 and was ported to the Dreamcast in 2000...