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Jeremy Lin Presents The adidas Crazyquick 2 Low -     (身份證尾數0) 性格傻乎乎,像小朋友般愛玩耍,童言無忌愛沈思,多是幸福的人。  (身份證尾數1) 眼光獨到,有天份做領導人,完美主義者,若做不到100%, 會不肯繼續做而且他們很要面子。 (身份證尾數2) 喜歡學習愛很多愛心,但往往不懂自愛,所以會Jeremy Lin won’t have too much time this season to show off this new version of the adidas Crazyquick 2, as the Portland Trailblazers are doing their best to get him and the Rockets out of the Playoffs. Regardless of … Continue reading →...


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