Credit Card Holder. Curiosite - Unusual gifts and gadgets. Curiosite(台北訊)曾任公視新聞主播的陳廷宇,目前是「獨立特派員」節目製作人,除了是資深的新聞工作者外,另外一個身分是瑜珈修行人。日前參加公視「誰來晚餐」節目,拜訪台灣與荷蘭異國聯姻的林士琪與唐睿謙夫妻檔。陳廷宇是天主教徒,但同時也練習瑜珈靜坐靜心,在靈修圈小有名氣。她在節目中分享開始吃素的因緣,以及婚姻中的Use this credit card holder to organize your credit cards and have them on hand when you need them most. ... Nowadays there's a credit card specially designed for virtually every ocassion. Even gyms and spas issue membership cards to their most loyal ......