Cree Components XLamp XP-E LEDs - Cree, Inc. | LED lighting, LEDs, power converters, RF amplifie D奶小模于熙日前稱照片破8萬讚就要貼出露點照,如今終於兌現! 于熙先在臉書貼出普通的自拍照,表示「能做的該做的我都做了」,慘遭網友砲轟。但于熙稍晚在另一個臉書頁po出穿著白襯衫、隱約露出點點的照片,並留言表示「這是我最大的尺度了」,請大家放她一條生路! 稍早她又貼文: 網友力挺: This video is provided by the Cree applications engineering group to demonstrate the test methodology for chemical compatibility to LED luminaire fixture designers. There are precautions that should be taken with the use of these chemicals and the materia...