英國品牌RADLEY 2015春夏系列
Criterion- and Standards- Referenced Tests | FairTest 【英國品牌 RADLEY 2015春夏系列】 2015年春夏,充滿著當代摩登風格、簡約俐落的線條與細膩貼心的設計激發出RADLEY全新系列。 搶眼的夏季色調讓大膽鮮明色彩更加凸顯,加入素淨的中性色與優雅帶有女人味的雪酪色,在獨特的優質皮革與精緻細節中,呈獻可及的親民奢華。 維多利亞公Criterion-referenced tests (CRTs) are intended to measure how well a person has learned a specific body of knowledge and skills. Multiple-choice tests most people take to get a driver's license and on-the-road driving tests are both examples of criterion-...