Crocs™ Hong Kong 香港 被情侶閃得不要不要的! 剛開始戀愛時,都會儘量在對方面前展示自己最棒的一面,不想破壞對方美好的印象,但兩人在一起時間久了,總會經歷一些超隱私的事,兩人也漸漸培養出其他人都不懂的噁心默契,無所不知、無所不曉,就連對方身體共有幾根毛都瞭若指掌! 情侶間會做的事Thank you for visiting the Crocs.com web site. This website is part of the US site Crocs.com, and contains English only. Unfortunately at this time we are unable to ship to Canadian addresses. We continue to look for advances in our system that would allo...