cryo electron

Cryo-electron microscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 現在一些人喜歡用整容來改造自己的外表,本來這也沒什麼,但他們的一些想法實在是很瘋狂! 整成人偶 真人芭比Valeria Lukyanova來自烏克蘭,她經過多年努力,把自己弄成了現在的樣子。不過,她並不承認自己整容     整成精靈 這個25歲的阿根廷男子花了超過45000美元Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), or electron cryomicroscopy, is a form of transmission electron microscopy (EM) where the sample is studied at cryogenic temperatures (generally liquid nitrogen temperatures). Cryo-EM is developing popularity in structur...


Cryo Electron Microscopy - Structural Biology @ Vanderbilt ▲你知道是「哪裡」嗎。(source:juxw)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 不知道還單身的各位朋友們,你們現在自己一個人過得好嗎?很多人常常會將「魯蛇」、「剩女」掛在嘴邊,彷彿單身就是一種原罪,但是你們有想過和「不對的人」在一起的下場比單身還要可怕嗎? 大家常常說「婚姻是愛情的墳墓」這句The cryo EM facility specializes in visualizing biological complexes such as viruses, small organelles, and macromolecular biological complexes of 200 kDa or larger preserved in non-crystaline ice. The near native imaging conditions allows three dimension...


Image processing for cryo electron microscopy  話說, 今天故事的主人公名叫Pili Hussein,來自坦桑尼亞。   她沒有漂亮的外表,甚至可以說有些男性化。 但,正是這飽經風霜的粗獷外貌,隱藏着一段令人敬佩的往事…   Pili是農場主的女兒,家中管理着有好幾個農場, 按理說也算出身於「家族企The aim of the course is to teach the basic principles and practical aspects of image processing to bioscientists and structural biologists wishing to determine macromolecular structures by cryo electron microscopy (EM). The course will concentrate on pro...


Electron Microscopy: Cryo Electron Microscopy   對於那些手段殘忍,罪行惡劣的殺人犯, 是讓他們死,還是讓他們苟延殘喘地痛苦活著,直到生命最後一天?   最近,英國一個強姦殺人犯的去世,再次把這個話題推到了輿論中心……   照片中這個男人名叫Ian Brady。 1963年到1965年Graphics courtesy of IDG Books Cryo Electron Microscopy Studies In the preceding section, we covered the why's and how's of freezing a sample. This section explains the actual process of imaging a frozen sample. Also covered are other considerations that ...


Briggs Group - Viruses and vesicles – cryo-electron microscopy and tomography - EMBL 話說,很多情侶們在談戀愛的時候都很愛對方,但就是喜歡吵架, 因為一些瑣事可以像炸藥桶一樣突然爆炸, 吵完架以後又拉不下面子主動和解, 只好做各種蠢事逼對方先服軟,向自己道歉。   最近,就有一個英國妹子做了這種蠢事, 只是代價太大了一點..... 這個妹子叫Abigail Brown,今The Briggs group develops and applies cryo-electron microscopy techniques to study the assembly mechanisms of enveloped viruses such as HIV and influenza, as well as coated trafficking vesicles. Previous and current research We study the structure and the...


Correlated cryogenic photoactivated localization microscopy and cryo-electron tomography : Nature Me ▲正妹去提款機領400元竟「吐出4000元」。(source:wawbuzz,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 根據wawbuzz報導,有一名正妹去提款機本來想領400元現金而已,沒想到機器不知道是否故障,竟一次吐了4000元出來給她,正妹又驚又喜,領完現金後直接走人。不過當然銀行事後知Cryo-electron tomography (CET) produces three-dimensional images of cells in a near-native state at macromolecular resolution, but identifying structures of interest can be challenging. Here we describe a correlated cryo-PALM (photoactivated localization ...
