PP3010T Cryo-SEM Preparation System - Cryo Preparation and Airlock Systems for SEM and FIB/SEM - Pro有位仁兄歡度五十歲生日.他洗澡時, 看著自己身體, 覺得很滿意.便對著自己的左右手說:[手啊手,五十歲生日快樂!]而後對自己的左右腳說:[腳啊腳, 五十歲生日快樂!]最後, 看著自己的那根玩意, 嘆氣:[你如果還活著的話, 應該有五十歲了吧?]這是前天發生在我朋友身上的真實故事:他一出門.就踩到了狗Technical note: Advantages of a SEM mounted cryo preparation chamber The PP3010T aQuilo preparation chamber conveniently combines the advantages of an 'on-column' and 'off-column' cryo preparation system. The aQuilo chamber is directly attached to the ......