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C mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia在亞洲潮流界裡,提到舉足輕重的指標性人物,余文樂絕對佔有一席之地。不論在戲劇、平面、演唱、電影都有亮眼的成績,私底下的穿著更是廣受年輕族群喜愛,在他著用過的單品下,不用多久市面上就會造成缺貨的效應,成為時下年輕人模仿的對象,這樣的影響力也讓他成為廣告、媒體的時下新寵。 現在的余文樂不僅自創了個人品牌A C mount is a type of lens mount commonly found on 16mm movie cameras, closed-circuit television cameras, machine vision cameras and microscope phototubes. C-mount lenses provide a male thread which mates with a female thread on the camera. The thread is...