Csh to check for existence of file | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting爆笑天兵排長問甲兵:「你是不想活了是吧!我在值星你跟我耍大牌,很好,給我一個合理的理由,不然就要倒大楣了!我操!」甲兵:「報告排長....因為招不到計程車所以用走的回來。」排長:「很好!你明天到操場給我走一天的路!」乙丙兩兵嚇的發軟…排長問乙兵:「那你呢?烏龜先生…」乙兵Hi, I would like to check the existence of files (doesn;t matter the number of files) in a directory. My file is named in the following manner (always ending with " myfile "). Can anybody gi ... I'm a bit rusty on csh, since I never use it but if I rememb...