Csh to check for existence of file | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting 我們怎麼去對待歷史, 未來就會怎麼對待我們。 江湖人稱老爺子 一頭白髮的孫冕, 眼看就是奔70的人了, 可笑起來還是那麼放肆, 天真得就像個小孩子。 他干起事情來的熱血勁兒, 恐怕要甩年輕人一大截。 從《新周刊》背後的大佬, 到Hi, I would like to check the existence of files (doesn;t matter the number of files) in a directory. My file is named in the following manner (always ending with " myfile "). Can anybody gi ... I'm a bit rusty on csh, since I never use it but if I rememb...