csh while file exists

shell script - While loop until a file exists in bash - Super User ▲女人的包包就像百寶箱。(Source:@涉谷由里,示意圖非當事人。)   大家好,我是比較大男人的羊編。 男女之間第一次約會不知道雙方都是怎麼處理各種需要付錢的事項?或許有人認為AA製是最禮貌不失禮的,不過似乎也有些女性認為該由男方買單,不然就會覺得很小器甚至沒有風度,女性的角度跟男生I want to write wait until a file exists in bash. How do I do this? I tried this but it doesnt work: while [ ! -f outputs\/$trace\_hist_len_$hist_len\_page_size_$page_size\.out]; do echo ......


shell - While loop to test if a file exists in bash - Stack Overflow 這次要說的,是她,來自俄羅斯的 Viktoria Demeshkina。   Viktoria 是一名幼兒園教師。 她今年26歲,正值青春靚麗, 加上她本人對自己的外貌也很自信。 所以在她的Facebook或者Instagram主頁上,都上傳着許多她本人的自拍。 不管是郊遊出行, &nbWhen you say "doesn't work", how do you know it doesn't work? You might try to figure out if the file actually exists by adding: while [ ! -f /tmp/list.txt ] do sleep 2 done ls -l /tmp/list.txt You might also make sure that you're using a Bash (or related...


C shell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    要說,誰是現在最賺錢的女演員?   答案非 詹妮弗·安妮斯頓 (Jennifer Aniston)莫屬。今年已經48歲的詹妮弗過去10年都是福布斯全球收入最高女演員排行榜的常客。2015年,她以年收入1650萬美元排第5名。2016年,她以2100The C shell (csh or the improved version, tcsh, on most machines) is a Unix shell that was created by Bill Joy while he was a graduate student at University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s. It has been distributed widely, beginning with the 2BSD...


Csh - the C Shell - Welcome to The Grymoire! 日本男性選擇他們心目中身材最好的10名女性,你們感受下:   Rola   菜菜緒   渡辺直美   廣瀨鈴   綾瀨遙   深田恭子   松尾嘉代   有村架純   佐佐木希   新垣結衣 &nbCheck out my other tutorials on the Unix Page, and my Check my blog Table of Contents C shell problems Quoting long strings, $ and ! The ad hoc parser Reading one line at a time File redirection Signals, Traps and child processes A time bomb Quoting C She...


csh -- C Shell, a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax話說, 對於廣大的男性同胞們而言,最害怕發生的事情, 大概就是丁丁不舉了吧…-。-   一般而言,出現這樣的尷尬,往往會涉及到許多因素, 包括身體本身的障礙,精神上的創傷,外界的刺激等等,並不能一概而論。 但是,今天我們要說的,是一群來自外國的「不舉小分隊」,   DESCRIPTION The C Shell (csh) is a command language interpreter incorporating a history mechanism (see History Substitutions), job control facilities (see Jobs), interactive file name and user name completion (see File Name Completion), and a C-like synta...


csh(1) - Linux man page  如果你把手指伸進肚臍,或者有人對你這麼做(動作往往粗暴),你的腹股溝會有奇怪的感覺     在很多時候,這是一種想尿尿的感覺!     當然,也可能沒什麼感覺     不過到底多少人考慮過其中的原因呢?   &nbstcsh is an enhanced but completely compatible version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell, csh(1). It is a command language interpreter usable both as an ......
