Unix: csh Shell Loop Example - nixCraft — Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog 近日伊能靜在《媽媽是超人》節目中很強烈的表示自己還想生三胎,把家人和醫生都嚇到了。 生二胎米粒的時候伊能靜已經46歲高齡,當時的指標就低得不能再低,現在她48歲,如果還能成功生三胎,那絕對算是醫學奇蹟了!  C an you give me a simple loop example in csh shell in Linux or Unix like operating systems? The C shell (csh) or the improved version, tcsh is a Unix shell that was originally created by Bill Joy at University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s....