STAGE 活力亮眼X個性率性
CSI: NY (season 9) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSTAGE本回新品分別以活力亮眼與個性率性的不同風格出發,大膽鮮豔的用色率先帶出春日氣息,將撞色配色大量運用在此一系列上,展現絕佳的層次與活力鮮明感;再以簡約單色掀起個性風,拼接上仿皮革或金屬感布料,散發低調卻不凡的態度!同時,特別為女生推出造型上衣與飛鼠袖罩衫,皆以滿版方式表現品牌字樣,帶出女孩的The ninth and final season of CSI: NY originally aired on CBS between September 2012 and February 2013. It is the shortest season of CSI: NY, consisting of only 17 episodes. Its regular time slot on Fridays moved to 8pm/7c for the first two episodes, then...