網友被「火影忍者」某角色的美麗背影給迷住了 科學辦案後發現主人是...
Social Media Risks: The Basics | CSO Online 日本人氣動漫畫作品「火影忍者」經歷 15 年結束連載後,不管是電影 The Last「最終章 - 火影忍者劇場版」或是真人版舞台劇「Live Spectacle 火影忍者」除了日本,在海外都引起熱烈討論。一名同為火影迷的大陸網友,最近發文詢問出一個問題,引起了網友的注意。 ▼事情是這樣發生的,這名You may be a champ at Mafia Wars and Farmville, but what do you know about the security risks of social media sites? The collaboration and sharing made possible by Web 2.0 technologies also bring along a specific set of risks. In Slapped in the Face: Soci...