英國神秘「裸體村」照片首度公開 村民:沒什麼好大驚小怪
filter | CSS-Tricks 英國有個神祕的村莊,村民無論如何都要一絲不掛,郵差或是送報生都習以為常。 根據英媒報導,英國赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire)內有天體村,除了居住在裡面的村民要裸體外,如果外來旅客想要入住,也要脫的一絲不掛才行。82 歲老婆婆理查森Iseult Richardson CSS Filters are a powerful tool that authors can use to achieve varying visual effects (sort of like Photoshop filters for the browser). The CSS filter pro ... What now? I have some ideas for you. Go explore CodePen! As a front end designer and developer,...