Dynamic Drive- Mouse and Cursor ▲背殺的日本女生,讓網友不禁猜想誰轉過來長最正。(source:livedoor) 大家好,我是小編。 相信大家應該都有光是看背影就覺得這個女生還不錯的經驗吧? 沒錯,這就是所謂的「背殺」! 有一名日本網友在res2ch PO上這張照片,想讓大家猜猜哪一個女生最正?於是網友開始議論紛Mouse and Cursor Fancy Cursor Script FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ Using CSS, you can give elements in your document a different prebuilt cursor image when the mouse moves over them. For example, instead of the default "hand" image, you can give links a "help ......