How to Make Your Links Change Colour When a Mouse Hovers Over It (Using CSS) (thesitewizard.com) 接吻時,男人的手透露出來的秘密 吻,是一種情不自禁,也可以是說是一種甜蜜的陰謀。單純看男人的吻還不夠,還要考察他的雙手,手往往最容易洩露秘密。那麼,和女人接吻的時候,男人的手一般放在哪裡呢? 摟著你的腰、臉、肩: 這種愛從容,醇厚,大氣,有寬容之心,相信自己的愛可以征服How to Make Your Links Change Colour When a Mouse Hovers Over It (Using CSS) by Christopher Heng, thesitewizard.com If you were to move your mouse over the links on thesitewizard.com, you would notice that they are highlighted with a different colour. Thi...