Dynamic Drive CSS Library- Practical CSS codes and examples有人說男人很專一,從18到80始終喜歡18歲的小姑娘。奶茶妹被娶走的新聞,讓有人放言:你不努力,你女兒將被同齡人抱著; 你努力,你可以抱著同齡人的女兒。一大波爸爸們的心被傷害了有沒有? via 下同 其實,爸爸們根本不用揪心,因為男人最大的成功不在於是不是能泡到比你女兒還小的姑娘,而是A common pitfall of a CSS based columns layout is that the columns do not share a common height. Unlike a table based layout where the height of the table itself dictates the height of all of its columns, CSS columns are independent of one another in that...