Make OL list start from number different than 1 using CSS Drs. Ali Mahdavi Fard and Leili Pourafkari曾治療了一個罕見的眼內長有多餘組織的病例。這位19歲的男性右眼內的多餘組織從出生時就已經出現了,而這個組織也隨著他成長而漸漸變大。儘管眼中有這個奇怪的組織,但是,他並未出現疼痛感。不過,這個小東西也在一定程度上影響Make OL list start from number different than 1 using CSS Predrag Kanazir August 31, 2006 60 If you need to create an OL list that starts from number different than 1, here is an elegant solution. This is very useful if you need to display a listing on mo...