cst 01 手錶

E Ink demos CST-01, the 'world's thinnest watch' (hands-on video) 伴著我們成長的日本經典卡通《櫻桃小丸子》,終於在慢了我們好幾拍後也跟著長大了。只是...我們都已畢業出社會,他們怎麼看起來還是中學生阿~日本漫畫家 POPQN 終於公布這些我們再熟悉不過的卡通人物長大後的模樣,引發網友們的熱烈討論。 櫻桃子 首先是整部卡通的靈魂人物小丸子,長大後的她髮質We just got a glimpse of the CST-01 E Ink watch, the result of a partnership between Central Standard Timing and E Ink itself. The product has been in the prototype phase for a year, but it just went live on Kickstarter, with a funding goal of $200,000 an...


CST-01 Watch | Uncrate英國媒體評選出十三張全球最愚蠢的自拍照,在這些照片中,有出席葬禮的少年在死者棺材旁傻笑自拍,有青年在火災現場微笑自拍,還有女子手持親人骨灰的自拍等。         --- via http://big5.china.com.cn/gate/big5CST-01 Watch "The World's Thinnest Watch" is a bold claim to make — but at just 0.8mm thick, we're inclined to believe it. The CST-01 Watch ($130) achieves this by packing its guts — a battery, E Ink display, and controller chip — into a 0.5mm pocket etch...


CST-01: thinnest watch - SmartWatch For - iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Sport, Kids, Mus 前不久,一名叫格雷‧貝克的記者去義大利採訪了三個特殊的人物。 事情是這樣的:一名負責運送精神病人的司機因為疏忽,中途讓三名患者逃掉了。為了不至於丟掉工作,他把車開到一個巴士站,許諾可以免費搭車。最後,他把乘客中的三個人充作患者送進了醫院。 格雷‧貝克關心的不是這個故事,他想了解的是,這三個人是通過The CST-01 is the thinnest wrist watch in the world. Barely a millimeter thick, the CST-01 is thinner than your credit card. The CST-01 is different than other digital and analog watches. The watch comprises of several thin components etched into single f...


After raising $1 million, the super-thin CST-01 watch won't make it to Kickstarter backers | The Ver 世界上總有那麼一些人喜歡犯賤,不過一些非惡意的犯賤或許能為生活增添不少“樂趣”。除了人類,有些動物也愛犯賤,比如說烏鴉。烏鴉有一種比較犯賤 的行為叫做“拉尾巴”(tail pulling),不管你是誰,只要有尾巴,烏鴉的這種惡趣味就會出現。這種&ldNearly two years after "the world's thinnest watch" was supposed to arrive to Kickstarter backers, the project has announced that it's pretty much done for. It's a disappointing update in the long saga of the $1 million campaign for CST-01, what was once ...


正新橡膠工業股份有限公司 www.cst.com.tw從很久前去南極考察的國家越來越多,100年來源源不斷的人在南極這片白色大地上不斷探索,不斷發現,那第一批來到南極的人看到的南極是什麼樣的呢?紐西蘭南極考察隊在南極考察時,在修建一間小屋時在冰的底部發現了一個冰凍住的鐵盒,打開後發現裡面有很多底片,看上去很老舊,考察隊立刻發覺這一定有很多年歷史,是古物最佳瀏覽環境:螢幕解析度 1024 x 768 以上...


CST-01: The World's Thinnest Watch - The Gadget Flow | Discover Awesome Products, Daily! 今天在朋友臉書上看到一個很好笑的東西, 趕快跟大家來分享一下....XDDD   一開始,柯P要拆違建,我不住違建,我沉默; 接著,柯P要整頓公務員,我不是公務員,我沉默; 最後,柯P要打擊盜版A片,已經沒有人幫我說話了。   ----- 希望柯p絕對不要這樣啊~~~ &nbsIt’s undoubtedly an incredible piece of watchmaking technology you can’t ignore wearing on the wrists as the CST-01: The World's Thinnest Watch. The concep...
