cst 01 手錶

E Ink demos CST-01, the 'world's thinnest watch' (hands-on video) 美國製帽大廠 New Era 也玩復古風,重新復刻一系列美國職棒大聯盟球隊帽款,重現1934年的設計細節,包括大家熟知的紐約洋基隊、底特律老虎隊等等,想要穿出復古感,帽款也是不可不重視的細節。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及We just got a glimpse of the CST-01 E Ink watch, the result of a partnership between Central Standard Timing and E Ink itself. The product has been in the prototype phase for a year, but it just went live on Kickstarter, with a funding goal of $200,000 an...


CST-01 Watch | Uncrate 潮流品牌 A Bathing Ape 最受歡迎的鯊魚系列單品,2014春季也不會缺席,將學院風必備的棒球外套加入鯊魚元素,並以簡約的黑白配色加以表現,售價 74,340日幣。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處。CST-01 Watch "The World's Thinnest Watch" is a bold claim to make — but at just 0.8mm thick, we're inclined to believe it. The CST-01 Watch ($130) achieves this by packing its guts — a battery, E Ink display, and controller chip — into a 0.5mm pocket etch...


CST-01: thinnest watch - SmartWatch For - iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Sport, Kids, Mus 美國時尚設計師 Jeremy Scott與愛迪達共同合作品牌 Originals by Originals x Jeremy Scott,在最新一季當中推出此款相當狂野的豹紋鞋款,鞋型來自愛迪達1980年的經典設計,鋪上滿滿豹紋誇張風格再現,售價 $242美金。 【本The CST-01 is the thinnest wrist watch in the world. Barely a millimeter thick, the CST-01 is thinner than your credit card. The CST-01 is different than other digital and analog watches. The watch comprises of several thin components etched into single f...


After raising $1 million, the super-thin CST-01 watch won't make it to Kickstarter backers | The VerCalvin Klein 創意總監Italo Zucchelli 在去年曾為加拿大說唱歌手Drake 的北美巡演打造專屬演出服,近日Drake 為舉辦2014 歐洲巡演再度邀請Italo Zucchelli 合作,打造了深灰夾克、無袖印花套頭衫以及一款印有OBSESSION 並刺有Drake 名字的Nearly two years after "the world's thinnest watch" was supposed to arrive to Kickstarter backers, the project has announced that it's pretty much done for. It's a disappointing update in the long saga of the $1 million campaign for CST-01, what was once ...


正新橡膠工業股份有限公司 www.cst.com.tw 知名奢華鞋款 Gourmet,將氣墊鞋結合高規格皮革家以表現,本次更與品牌RTH合作,將民族風的設計細節帶入鞋款之中,多種款式分別都有不同巧思,售價美金500元。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處。最佳瀏覽環境:螢幕解析度 1024 x 768 以上...


CST-01: The World's Thinnest Watch - The Gadget Flow | Discover Awesome Products, Daily! 經典工作服品牌 Carhartt WIP,最新Spring/Summer 2014系列商品全面曝光,本季請來知名饒舌歌手Danny Brown以及拼接服裝設計師DRx Romanelli共同合作,將迷彩、工作服部料以及丹寧混搭得宜,點擊後可以看到完整介紹。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wIt’s undoubtedly an incredible piece of watchmaking technology you can’t ignore wearing on the wrists as the CST-01: The World's Thinnest Watch. The concep...
