cst 01 手錶

E Ink demos CST-01, the 'world's thinnest watch' (hands-on video)實在太好笑了啦~ 又搞笑又貼切,不過這隻咪咪上班族的一天也太悲慘了...   看完後, 各位心有戚戚焉嗎?XD   狗狗版上班族的悲慘一天 >>>http://www.life.com.tw/?app=view&no=119055     來源:花瓣網We just got a glimpse of the CST-01 E Ink watch, the result of a partnership between Central Standard Timing and E Ink itself. The product has been in the prototype phase for a year, but it just went live on Kickstarter, with a funding goal of $200,000 an...


CST-01: thinnest watch - SmartWatch For - iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Sport, Kids, MusThe CST-01 is the thinnest wrist watch in the world. Barely a millimeter thick, the CST-01 is thinner than your credit card. The CST-01 is different than other digital and analog watches. The watch comprises of several thin components etched into single f...


After raising $1 million, the super-thin CST-01 watch won't make it to Kickstarter backers | The Ver 這位先生的生活也太有趣了!我最喜歡那個防室友利器!Nearly two years after "the world's thinnest watch" was supposed to arrive to Kickstarter backers, the project has announced that it's pretty much done for. It's a disappointing update in the long saga of the $1 million campaign for CST-01, what was once ...
