cube 電影

Cube (trailer) - YouTube 據英國《每日郵報》報導,研究者對2000個人進行了調查,總結出了表明一對情侶關係從約會階段步入正式階段的50個跡象。50個跡象如下:1. 見父母。2. 交換住宅鑰匙。3. 計劃一起旅行。4. 討論未來規劃。5. 受到對方家庭聚會的邀請。6. 說『我愛你』。7. 在對方家裡過夜。8. 一起寫耶誕節或Buy it at TLAVIDEO.COM Cube 1998 A taut little paranoid suspense thriller, the low-budget Cube follows a handful of diverse people who wake up inside a uniquely designed prison -- a gigantic cube with individual chambers that are constantly changing confi...
