Support | Cube 3D Printer | Tutorials | 3D Systems 勞累了一天, 今天小編給大家 介紹一組特別好玩的照片。 先拋出個問題: 給你一個菠蘿,一把吸管, 你能想象出什麼畫面? 反正……應該不是這樣的: 厲害了吧~ 再問:幾枚小氣球和一截番茄秧, 你又能想到啥? 沒錯,照樣讓人「大吃一3D Systems provides the most advanced and comprehensive 3D digital design and fabrication solutions available today, including 3D printers, print materials and cloud-sourced custom parts. Its powerful ecosystem transforms entire industries by empowering ....