cuda core stream processor

graphics card - Differentiate CUDA Cores(NVIDIA) and Stream processor(ATI/AMD) - Super User ....(我可能不會錄取你....)I'm sorry but I got so confused, if I am to compare the two, then I have to know the equivalent of their tech specs 1 CUDA core = how many Stream processor or vice versa? Why are they saying that CUDA Core is the equivalent to Stream processor if they can...


GPU發展簡史,從NVIDIA Fermi到Maxwell:核心群組打散重排,製程未改中階先行 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 你懂孤枕難眠的滋味嗎????非常可惜大家無緣見到Kepler中低階顯卡了,因為從GTX 750 Ti以下將會是新架構Maxwell的天下。Maxwell插隊的原因是什麼我們不知道,但這已經打破過去2代換架構的規律。至於說好的Unified Virtual Memory(統一虛擬記憶體,簡稱UVM)功能呢?或許在完整版 ......


NVIDIA CUDA - Manifold Community Site 還真...大叢...!!NVIDIA CUDA For many operations Manifold will automatically use multiple processors or multiple processor cores if installed in a computer system. In addition to this basic multiprocessing capability Manifold includes the ability to utilize massively para...


Products We Design - Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media S哈哈哈哈哈!!! 這小子也太有才華了!! 所以只算錯一半??  AMD processors, graphics cards and APUs are designed using technology with a high level of visual computing capabilities ... Expand the possible with AMD Embedded R-Series APUs AMD enables breakthrough HD graphics performance for Samsung Electronics ......
